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The Golden Retriever is an iconic dog - and for good reason! Obedient, playful, intelligent, and polite are all terms used to describe this beloved breed.

We are Mike and Kristi Shafer, owners of Golden Sensation Kennel located in a small equestrian community 10 miles east of Disneyland, in Orange County, California. We have been married 28 years (2019), have two boys - one working on his Master’s Degree in Accounting and the other working on his Bachelor's Degree in Finance.
Over the last 19 years we have worked together from our home office, building restaurants in California and parts of Arizona. If you have eaten at a Taco Bell, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Blaze Pizza, Baja Fresh, Popeye’s, Wienerschintzel, just to name a few, we have probably built it, remodel it, or did maintenance on that store. Owning and operating a construction company is a tough business. We our governed by the California Contractors License Board, we must comply with city, state and government building and safety codes, pass inspections with police, fire and health agencies, hire qualified licensed and insured subcontractors and build the restaurant in 60 days or less. Quality and safety, in every aspect of our business, is vital. We cannot make mistakes or cut corners. The same commitment to quality and excellence we have for our construction company - we have instilled in our breeding program.
We pride ourselves on having a very select, well-planned breeding program, to produce healthy, quality and well socialized English Golden Retrievers.
All the dogs in our breeding program come from excellent pedigrees, with champion bloodlines. Our dogs live in our home and sleep in our bedroom at night. Working from home gives us the pleasure of their company day and night. While the dogs have a doggy door to access their dog park, they often choose to be in the house with us. We step over them to make dinner, move them over to make room on the bed so we can sleep, and some are not shy to follow us into the bathroom. We consider all our dog’s family members which is why we will never sell or rehome any of our breeding dogs after they are retired from our program. All our dogs have health insurance with no lifetime cap, they receive yearly exams with blood work, titer tests are done first then vaccinated if immunity is low.
Our mission is to produce English Golden Retrievers that excel in all aspects of life. Health and soundness is a top priority in our breeding program. All of our English Golden Retrievers have had their hips and elbows cleared through OFA or BVA/FCI, hearts are examined by a board certified cardiologist using an echocardiogram, eyes are examined yearly for observable inherited eye disease by an ACVO Diplomat (Ophthalmologist), DNA analysis for hereditary diseases is completed for each dog by Paw Print Genetics. All dogs have submitted DNA samples to AKC for parentage verification.

Golden Sensation Kennel
8502 E Chapman, Suite 152
Orange, California 92869
1 714 310-3590
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