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We follow the week by week Puppy Culture Protocol
We start at three days of life training with Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) which lasts until the sixteenth day. The five exercises we do will produce neurological stimulations, none of which naturally occur during this early period of life, resulting in an increased capacity that will later help make the difference in its performance. Five benefits have been observed in dogs that were exposed to ENS – Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate) – stronger heart beats – stronger adrenal glands – more tolerance to stress – greater resistance to disease.
Potty Training (2-3 weeks of age). Puppies are introduced to a potty tray in the whelping box and later trained to use a potty box.
Socialization (3 weeks of age). This is the time we start to expose the puppies to children, people, toys and other animals on a regular basis. We do sound conditioning to work on their startle recovery responses using recordings of thunder, fireworks, traffic, babies crying, introduce infant toys to play with, etc. We vacuum, run a blow dryer, use power tools, drop metal pots, leave the tv on, play the piano, etc.
At four weeks of age puppies are moved to a larger weaning pen and we work on emotional resiliency exercises. We introduce new surfaces and sounds to help puppies adjust to changes in their environment. Clicker training starts.
At five weeks of age puppies are learning to communicate. We use the clicker to teach attention and manding (a way of asking for things). We introduce barrier challenges to help the puppy cope with frustration and learn to problem solve. Fear starts at this age, so we continue to work with the puppies by developing emotional resiliency.
At six weeks of age up to eight weeks of age we start basic obedience and crate training. Keep in mind, it is reasonable to assume that some puppies at this age will be more advanced than others, and some may need more time to master a behavior or command. Our training is only a foundation that must be built on.
Puppies will start to learn the following: sit – stay – down – come – off – walk on leash – potty in designated place – not bite or jump on human. Puppies will be exposed to other dogs, cats, horses, pigs, car rides, groomers, veterinarians, stairs, children, strangers, new places and more.
The Golden Retriever is an iconic dog - and for good reason! Obedient, playful, intelligent, and polite are all terms used to describe this beloved breed.

Golden Sensation Kennel
8502 E Chapman, Suite 152
Orange, California 92869
1 714 310-3590
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